Publications in international journals
Published in Comparative Political Studies (2022)
Why does support for mainstream parties decline? A growing literature points to economic loss as a source of political resentment. We bring this explanation one step further. We posit that the local economy qualifies the role of social capital in forging systemic support. When the economy thrives, social capital buffers discontent via interpersonal interactions. When the economy declines it exacerbates discontent, leading to a diffusion of grievances. We test our “networks of grievances” hypothesis in two settings. We first test our theory in Italy, which offers individual-level information together with fine-grained municipality-level social capital data. Second, we test the mechanism underlying our theory combining survey and local administrative data across 18 European countries. The results suggest that “networks of grievances” operate as channels of political discussions with peers, converting retrospective evaluations into systemic discontent bringing non-mainstream parties into voters’ choice sets.
Published in Political Psychology (2024)
What happens to peoples' social-policy preferences when their expectations concerning collective behavior are met, or even exceeded? And what conversely occurs when these expectations are unmet, and trust is thereby breached? Drawing on the first Italian COVID-19 lockdown as a massive exercise in collective action, this study tests how information on lockdown-compliance rates causally affects the social-policy preferences of Italian voters, conditional on their pretreatment levels of trust. Examining social-policy preferences across multiple dimensions, we find that trust is most closely linked to attitudes towards transfer generosity, as opposed to preferences on policy universalism and conditionality. Results highlight that neutral, fact-based information on cooperation levels can affect social-policy preferences—and that the direction of attitude change depends on whether one's trust has been met or breached.
- From the Streets to the Voting Booth: the Electoral Effect of Grassroots Mobilization Against the Far-Right (forthcoming at Public Opinion Quarterly) (with Alessandro Ferrara, Foteini-Maria Vassou, Elias Dinas & Fabrizio Bernardi)
Far-right scholars have focused extensively on the causes and consequences of far-right success, while not much attention has been directed towards what citizens and the civil society can do to tackle this phenomenon. Focusing on the surge of an anti-far-right social movement - the Sardine - during the 2020 Italian Regional Elections, we test whether grassroots mobilization is an effective tool to curb far-right parties’ electoral performance. Employing municipality-level data on electoral results, Sardine mobilization and far-right political events, we exploit a difference-in-differences design to identify the effect of local exposure to Sardine mobilization on the municipal electoral performance of far-right parties. The results suggest that local exposure to a Sardine event has a strong negative effect on far-right electoral results.
- Neighbourhood Economic Inequality and Political System Support (European Journal of Political Research) (with Kim M. Sønderskov & Peter T. Dinesen)
Submitted papers
Are nostalgic authoritarian memories stigmatized? Far-right parties are increasingly successful in the EU, and some countries are even in a phase of democratic backsliding. While previous research would suggest that authoritarian experiences leave lasting marks of stigma, a warning against the authoritarian camp, we are witnessing the far-right parties succeed, even in democracies that experienced fascist rule. I address this puzzle by investigating the interaction between memory and politics, focusing on the (lack of) stigmatization of authoritarian nostalgia. I survey how Italians remember their fascist past, and whether memories favourable to the past dictatorship are stigmatized. Using an original survey and employing three different experimental strategies, I find that there is no stigmatization of authoritarian nostalgia. While doing that, I map Italy's views of its fascist past, measuring the memory of an authoritarian phase for the first time. The inability to stigmatize authoritarian nostalgia and the perceived divisiveness of the country's collective memory can help us understand how the success of far-right political actors was possible. The paper points out the importance of an inclusive democratic culture—and a shared collective memory—as a way of preventing a mainstreaming of nostalgic views of past authoritarian experiences.
selected Work in progress
- Voters Affective and Cognitive Response to Progressive Symbolic Politics. Evidence from the use of gender-inclusive language among German politicians (with Tobias Widmann) (Draft available soon)
- Should The Past Be in the Past? The mobilizing effect of inclusionary memory policy on public opinion (with Bastian Becker) (Draft available soon)
Political actors frequently use historical depictions and narratives to increase support for policies and to mobilize voters. Recent studies are conflicted about the electoral consequences of inclusionary memory policy that increases the visibility of historically marginalized groups compared to majority groups. While some argue that such policies are effective in countering the rise of the radical right, others point to the risk of a political and cultural backlash. In our study, we shed light on this debate by investigating the effects of an official report that recommends the renaming of streets commemorating anti-Semitic figures in Berlin. First, we collect and combine highly fine-grained data on 9 elections with geocoded infrastructure data and estimate the electoral effects of street renamings using multiple difference-in-difference techniques. Second, we conduct a pre-registered survey experiment with a quota-based sample of Berlin residents to explore the mechanisms underlying the electoral effects. We find that the street renaming initiative decreased the vote share of the center-right by one percentage point in districts where renamings have been proposed. This effect is driven by a negative emotional response, guilt, and increased support for inclusionary memory policies that move voters away from the policy positions of right-wing parties. Our findings strongly speak against the backlash hypothesis. Instead, opposition to inclusionary memory policies can move voters away from right-wing parties and decrease their electoral fortunes.
- Early Experiences with Economic Hardship and Political Trust in Adulthood (with Mathias Kruse, Kim M. Sønderskov & Peter T. Dinesen) (Draft available upon request)
- What is Unfair about Inequality? Dimensions of Economic Inequality and Fairness Perceptions (Draft available upon request)
Previous research on attitudes towards inequalities and the demand for redistributive policies has produced conflicting results. Empirical evidence suggests that objective levels of inequality only influence attitudes when perceived as unfair. In this paper, I test how different types of information on economic inequality influence fairness perceptions. While previous research has viewed economic inequality as a unidimensional phenomenon, inequality is multidimensional, as reflected in the wide range of existing measures. Building on existing inequality measures, I examine how information on different dimensions of inequality influences fairness perceptions. Using a well-powered, pre-registered conjoint experiment, I identify the main dimensions explored in previous literature, replicate treatments, and add new ones. I provide a set of information based on real-life distributions of different dimensions of inequality across US states to provide realistic inequality profiles. I find that not all information on inequality influences fairness perceptions, however, information on the unequal distribution of resources does not have more or less effect than information on the unequal distribution of opportunities on fairness perceptions. Additionally, I find that partisan groups respond differently to different types of information on inequality. Overall, the findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how information on different economic inequality dimensions influences fairness perceptions.
- The Persistence of Authoritarian Nostalgia in Italy
The paper builds on the puzzling re-emergence of far-right parties in Italy, a country where the fascist experience is recent and violent. It tries to shed some light on this puzzling phenomena by looking at the phenomenon from an original perspective, focusing on the determinants and implications of authoritarian nostalgia. I collected new survey data to better understand how widespread authoritarian nostalgia is, to understand the main determinants, and whether it is a consequential phenomena.
Publications in Italian journals
- Colombo, F. & Leombruni, R. (2018). I sommersi e i salvati. Le maglie diseguali del welfare ai tempi della crisi. Sociologia del lavoro, 150, 65-80.
- Colombo, F. (2017). Labour market reforms and the academic debate in Italy: Between a discursive paradigm shift and institutional path dependence. Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, 40(1), 183-197.